Correction: Instead of where replace with , (comma)
func function_name (paramsname: paramType…) -> <ReturnType>
guard <boolean expressions> , <condition check> else {
// code to be executed if expression is false
<exit statement here>
// code here is executed if expression is true
*This statement used inside the functions
*This occupies the complete method and to do the check and process.
Code Snippet:
var value:String! = "Tessa"
func testFun(v: String?) {
guard let vu = v, vu == nil else {
print ("Value is nil")
print("Value is not nil") // Output
Without Guard Statement: #Rust Coding:
func nonguardSubmit() { if let name = nameField.text { if let address = addressField.text { if let phone = phoneField.text { sendToServer(name, address: address, phone: phone) } else { show("no phone to submit") } } else { show("no address to submit") } } else { show("no name to submit") } }With Guard Statement:
func submit() { guard let name = nameField.text else { show("No name to submit") return } guard let address = addressField.text else { show("No address to submit") return } guard let phone = phoneField.text else { show("No phone to submit") return } sendToServer(name, address: address, phone: phone) } func sendToServer(name: String, address: String, phone: String) { ... }Guard Statement Improvised Code 1:
guard let name = nameField.text where name.characters.count > 3 && name.characters.count <= 16, let range = name.rangeOfCharacterFromSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet()) where range.startIndex == range.endIndex else {
show("name failed validation")
Guard Statement Improvised Code 2:func tappedSubmitButton() { guard let name = nameField.text where isValid(name) else { show("name failed validation") return } sendToServer(name) } func isValid(name: String) -> Bool { // check the name is between 4 and 16 characters if !(4...16 ~= name.characters.count) { return false } // check that name doesn't contain whitespace or newline characters let range = name.rangeOfCharacterFromSet(.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet()) if let range = range where range.startIndex != range.endIndex { return false } return true }Courtesy: Link1, Link2