It's actually simpler to provide a lambda directly, There's other option that's worth covering, too, which is a function / lambda reference. If you already had a function that would do the job, you don't need to put it in a lambda, but can refer to it directly, through function or its reference using the :: notation. this will works only if the parameter type(s) are compatible, but it's slightly simpler and can generate slightly more efficient bytecode.
val myValues = listOf(12, 25, 215, 3, 52) println("All Values: $myValues") println("Even Filter ${myValues.filter { it % 2 == 0 }} -- Simple implicit lambda") println("Odd Filter ${myValues.filter { oddFilter(it) }} -- lambda reference as param") println("odd Filter ${myValues.filter(oddFilter)} -- lambda as param to filter function") println("Even Filter ${myValues.filter(::evenFilter)} -- function reference as param") val oddFilter = { a: Int -> a % 2 != 0 } fun evenFilter(g: Int): Boolean = g % 2 == 0
All Values: [12, 25, 215, 3, 52] Even Filter [12, 52] -- Simple implicit lambda Odd Filter [25, 215, 3] -- lambda reference as param odd Filter [25, 215, 3] -- lambda as param to filter function Even Filter [12, 52] -- function reference as param
Happy Coding :-)